Our paper "D. Nyakam Nya et al. Managing Occupancy Rates in a Hospital Emergency Department Combining Model-Based and Model-Free Control Approaches" has been awarded a Best Paper Award at CIST 2023.
Bienvenue à l’édition 2023 de la journée des doctorants du LGI2A qui aura lieu le lundi 10 Juillet de 8h45 à 15h30, à la salle Prestige de la Faculté des Sciences Appliquées (FSA) de Béthune.
Our paper "A. Altaf et al. Clustering and Routing in Cross-docking: A bi-step approach for capacitated vehicle routing problem with time windows” has been awarded a Best Paper Award at IC_ASET 2023.
Our paper “M. Belhor et al. Fuzzy Multi-objective Evolutionary Approach for Home Healthcare Optimization Problem under Uncertainty” has been awarded a Best Paper Award at IC_ASET 2023.
Bienvenue à l’édition 2023 de la journée des stagiaires du LGI2A, un événement passionnant dédié à la recherche et à l’innovation dans le domaine de l’Intelligence Artificielle.
KSANTINI Mohamed, professor at the University of Sfax (Tunisia), will be a guest of the LGI2A from 20 June 2023 to 23 June 2023
KRICHEN Saoussen, professor at the ISG of Tunis (Tunisia) and chief executive at the Centre de Calcul El-Khawarizmi (CCK), will be a guest of the LGI2A from 12 June 2023 to 16 June 2023
HIRSCH Patrick, professor at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria), will be a guest of the LGI2A from 14 November 2022 to 17 November 2022
The 1st place of the IJAR best paper award at BELIEF2022 was attributed to the paper “Tuan-Anh Vu et al. On Modelling and Solving the Shortest Path Problem with Evidential Weights”
AYFANTOPOULOU Georgia, director of research at the Hellenic Institute of Transport (Greece), will be a guest of the LGI2A from 08 November 2022 to 10 November 2022
First prize for a young researcher paper awarded to Tuan-Anh Vu at BELIEF 2022 for his paper. Congratulations !
HAMMAMI Mohamed-Ali, professor at the Faculty of Sciences of Sfax (Tunisia), will be a guest of the LGI2A from 16 June 2022 to 23 June 2022
KRICHEN Saoussen, professor at the Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis (Tunisia), will be a guest of the LGI2A from 06 December 2021 to 10 December 2021
ELOUEDI Zied, professor at the Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis (Tunisia), will be a guest of the LGI2A from 25 October 2021 to 29 October 2021
The LGI2A is co-organizing the 6th International Conference on Belief Functions, October 15-17, Shanghai, China.
Our colleague Frédéric Pichon (MCF-HDR) together with other researchers have been recognized for their participation in the MAI2F project.
KRICHEN Saoussen, professor at the Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis (Tunisia), will be a guest of the LGI2A from 18 March 2019 to 22 March 2019
Best student paper awarded to Sébastien Ramel at LFA 2018
La JRDA2018 a été un réel succès avec ses 90 participants.
Merci à toutes et à tous pour vos contributions!
The LGI2A is organising next French meetings on Fuzzy Logic and its applications (LFA 2018). It is opened to non French-speaking researchers.
Prizes for best student papers for Nathalie Helal and Pauline Minary at LFA 2017
We are delighted to announce that the Paper Submission for GSC’2018 - 4th International Conference on Green Supply Chain is now open !
Le GRAISyHM et l’ED SPI régionale organiseront le 30 juin prochain la journée régionale des doctorants en automatique sur le pôle universitaire de Béthune (JRDA 2017).
HAMMAMI Mohamed Ali, professor at the Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, Tunisia, will be a guest of the LGI2A from May 7th, 2017 to May 14th
HIRSCH Patrick, professor at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria), will be a guest of the LGI2A from 13 November 2017 to 20 November 2017
LIU Zhunga, Associate Professor at the Northwestern Polytechnical University (China), will be a guest of the LGI2A from 18 June 2017 to 25 June 2017
EL OUEDI Zied, professor at the Higher Institute of Management of Tunis, Tunisia, will be a guest of the LGI2A from March 13th, 2017 to March 18th
LGI2A scientific counsil meets today Thursday, September 29th.
Co-best student paper for Pauline Minary at BELIEF’2016
Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à soumettre vos contributions à conférence MOSIM’2016 qui aura lieu à l’ETS, Montréal, Canada, du 22 au 24 août 2016.
Anne-Laure Jousselme, defense scientist au CMRE (Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation), http://www.cmre.nato.int/, sera dans nos locaux du 18 au 22 avril 2016.
Le professeur Marian Mocan (Université Polytechnique de Timisoara, Roumanie) sera dans nos locaux du 14 au 18 mars 2016.
The FLINS’2016 conference is organized by the LGI2A and the LAMIH laboratories, and will be held August 24-26, 2016 - Roubaix, France.
The International Conference on Green Supply Chain - GSC’2016 is organised by Loughborough University and University of Artois and is held in London (UK), July 10-13, 2016.
The 28th EURO Conference will take place in Poznan, Poland on 3-6 July, 2016.
Le Professeur Prakash Shenoy invité par notre université sera présent à l’école sur les fonctions de croyance organisée par le LGI2A du 28 septembre au 2 octobre 2015.
This school is organized by the LGI2A laboratory jointly with the CRIStAL Laboratory. It will take place in Stella Plage, a French seaside town located in northern France.