Class Move

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Move
    extends fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.RegularInfluence
    Models an influence that aims at changing the position of a turtle.
    Yoann Kubera, Gildas Morvan
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String CATEGORY
      The category of the influence, used as a unique identifier in the reaction of the target level to determine the nature of the influence.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Move​(fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.SimulationTimeStamp timeLowerBound, fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.SimulationTimeStamp timeUpperBound, TurtlePLSInLogo target)
      Builds an instance of this influence created during the transitory period ] timeLowerBound, timeUpperBound [.
    • Field Detail

      • CATEGORY

        public static final String CATEGORY
        The category of the influence, used as a unique identifier in the reaction of the target level to determine the nature of the influence.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Move

        public Move​(fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.SimulationTimeStamp timeLowerBound,
                    fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.SimulationTimeStamp timeUpperBound,
                    TurtlePLSInLogo target)
        Builds an instance of this influence created during the transitory period ] timeLowerBound, timeUpperBound [.
        timeLowerBound - The lower bound of the transitory period during which this influence was created.
        timeUpperBound - The upper bound of the transitory period during which this influence was created.
        target - The turtle's public local state that is going to change.
    • Method Detail

      • getTarget

        public TurtlePLSInLogo getTarget()
        the turtle's public local state that is going to change.