Class TimeBasedEndCriterion

    • Constructor Detail

      • TimeBasedEndCriterion

        public TimeBasedEndCriterion​(SimulationTimeStamp finalTimeStamp)
        Builds a simulation end criterion based on a final time stamp to reach.
        finalTimeStamp - The final time stamp of the simulation.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the argument is null.
    • Method Detail

      • getFinalTimeStamp

        public SimulationTimeStamp getFinalTimeStamp()
        Gets the final time stamp of the simulation.
        The final time stamp of the simulation.
      • isFinalTimeOrAfter

        public boolean isFinalTimeOrAfter​(SimulationTimeStamp currentTime,
                                          ISimulationEngine engine)
        Tells if a time stamp is greater or equal to the final time stamp.
        Specified by:
        isFinalTimeOrAfter in interface IEndCriterionModel
        currentTime - The last time the dynamic state of the simulation was in a partly consistent state.
        engine - The simulation engine containing information about the currently running simulation.
        true if the final time of the level was reached.