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ABORT_SIMULATION - fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeImageSwingJFrame.ClosingManagementStrategy
The simulation will be aborted if the frame is closed.
AbstractAgent - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl
An abstract implementation of the IAgent and IAgent4Engine interfaces, providing a default behavior to the generic methods.
AbstractAgent(AgentCategory) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractAgent
Creates a bare instance of an agent, using a specific category.
AbstractAgtDecisionModel - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.abstractimpl
An abstract implementation of the IAgtDecisionModel interface, providing a default behavior to the generic methods.
AbstractAgtDecisionModel(LevelIdentifier) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractAgtDecisionModel
Creates a bare instance of a decision model, using a specific level identifier.
AbstractAgtPerceptionModel - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.abstractimpl
An abstract implementation of the IAgtPerceptionModel interface, providing a default behavior to the generic methods.
AbstractAgtPerceptionModel(LevelIdentifier) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractAgtPerceptionModel
Creates a bare instance of a perception model, using a specific level identifier.
AbstractEnvironment - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl
An abstract implementation of the IEnvironment and IEnvironment4Engine interfaces, providing a default behavior to the generic methods.
AbstractEnvironment() - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractEnvironment
Builds an environment for a simulation containing no levels.
AbstractEnvNaturalModel - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.abstractimpl
An abstract implementation of the IEnvNaturalModel interface, providing a default behavior to the generic methods.
AbstractEnvNaturalModel(LevelIdentifier) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractEnvNaturalModel
Creates a bare instance of a natural action model, using a specific level identifier.
AbstractExtendedSimulationModel - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.simulationmodel
Models a simulation model in the extended kernel.
AbstractExtendedSimulationModel(ISimulationParameters, IEndCriterionModel) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.simulationmodel.AbstractExtendedSimulationModel
Builds an instance of an abstract extended simulation model, having a specific time stamp as initial time and a specific ending criterion.
AbstractInfluence - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences
Provides a default behavior of the generic methods of the IInfluence class.
AbstractInfluence(String, LevelIdentifier, SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.AbstractInfluence
Builds an influence having a specific category and a specific target level.
AbstractLevel - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl
An abstract implementation of the ILevel interface, providing a default behavior to most methods.
AbstractLevel(SimulationTimeStamp, LevelIdentifier) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractLevel
Builds an initialized instance of level having a specific identifier, a perception and influence relation graph containing only an edge between this level and itself and an empty initial consistent dynamic state.
AbstractLocalState - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl
An abstract implementation of the ILocalState interface, providing a default behavior to the method of the interface.
AbstractLocalState(LevelIdentifier) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractLocalState
Builds an initialized instance of this class.
AbstractLocalStateOfAgent - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl
An abstract implementation of the ILocalStateOfAgent and ILocalStateOfAgent4Engine interfaces, providing a default behavior to their methods.
AbstractLocalStateOfAgent(LevelIdentifier, IAgent4Engine) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractLocalStateOfAgent
Builds an initialized instance of this class.
AbstractLocalStateOfEnvironment - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl
An abstract implementation of the ILocalStateOfEnvironment interface, providing a default behavior to their methods.
AbstractLocalStateOfEnvironment(LevelIdentifier) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractLocalStateOfEnvironment
Builds an initialized instance of this class.
AbstractMonothreadedEngine - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine
A simulation engine using a mono-threaded simulation engine.
AbstractMonothreadedEngine() - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.AbstractMonothreadedEngine
AbstractPerceivedData - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl
An abstract implementation of the IPerceivedData interface, providing a default behavior to the methods of the interface.
AbstractPerceivedData(LevelIdentifier, SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractPerceivedData
Builds empty data perceived by an agent from a specific level.
AbstractProbe - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl
An abstract probe of the 'common libs' that does nothing.
AbstractProbe() - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractProbe
AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes
Models a probe where the simulation data are displayed into an image printed in a Swing JPanel object.
AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel() - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel
Builds a swing displayer using a transparent background in the drawing area.
AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel(Color) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel
Builds a swing displayer using a custom background in the drawing area.
AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel(Color, boolean) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel
Builds a swing displayer using a custom background in the drawing area.
AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel.MainJPanel - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes
The panel where the simulation is being displayed.
AbstractRealTimeMatcherProbe - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes
This probe slows down the simulation so that its execution speed matches real time (in the simulation), or a specific factor F times quicker than real time.
AbstractRealTimeMatcherProbe() - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractRealTimeMatcherProbe
Builds a probe slowing down the simulation so that its execution speed matches real time.
AbstractRealTimeMatcherProbe(double) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractRealTimeMatcherProbe
Builds a probe slowing down the simulation so that its execution speed matches a specific factor accelerationFactor times quicker than real time.
AbstractSimulationEngine - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl
An abstract implementation of the ISimulationEngine interface, providing a default behavior to the probe list-related methods.
AbstractSimulationEngine() - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractSimulationEngine
Builds an instance of this abstract simulation engine, containing no probes.
AbstractSimulationEngineWithInitialization - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine
An abstract implementation of the ISimulationEngine interface, providing algorithms to the initialization process of the simulation, using a single threaded approach: the initialization of the levels is made in sequence.
AbstractSimulationEngineWithInitialization() - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.AbstractSimulationEngineWithInitialization
Builds an instance of this simulation engine.
AbstractSimulationModel - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl
An abstract implementation of the ISimulationModel interface, providing a default behavior to the initial time-related methods.
AbstractSimulationModel(SimulationTimeStamp) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractSimulationModel
Builds an instance of an abstract simulation model, having a specific time stamp as initial time.
AbstractSimulationParameters - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.abstractimpl
An abstract implementation of the ISimulationParameters interface, providing a default behavior to the generic methods.
AbstractSimulationParameters(SimulationTimeStamp) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractSimulationParameters
Builds an initialized instance of this class.
add(IInfluence) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.InfluencesMap
Adds an influence to this influence map.
addAll(InfluencesMap) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.InfluencesMap
Adds all the influences contained in an influence map into this influence map.
addAll(Collection<IInfluence>) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.InfluencesMap
Adds all the influences contained in a collection of influences into this influence map.
addInfluence(IInfluence) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState
Adds an influence to this public local dynamic state.
addInfluence(IInfluence) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.IModifiablePublicLocalDynamicState
Adds an influence to this public local dynamic state.
addInfluence(IInfluence) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
Adds an influence to this public local dynamic state.
addInfluenceableLevel(LevelIdentifier) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractLevel
Adds a level to the levels that can be influenced by this level.
addPerceptibleLevel(LevelIdentifier) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractLevel
Adds a perceptible level by this level.
addProbe(String, IProbe) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationEngine
Adds a probe to this simulation engine.
addProbe(String, IProbe) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractSimulationEngine
Adds a probe to this simulation engine.
addPublicLocalStateOfAgent(ILocalStateOfAgent) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState
Adds the public local state of an agent to this public local dynamic state.
addPublicLocalStateOfAgent(ILocalStateOfAgent) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.IModifiablePublicLocalDynamicState
Adds the public local state of an agent to this public local dynamic state.
addPublicLocalStateOfAgent(ILocalStateOfAgent) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
This operation is not supported in transitory states.
AgentCategory - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel
The object identifying the category of an agent involved in a simulation.
AgentCategory(String, AgentCategory...) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.AgentCategory
Builds an instance of this class using a specific value for the agent category.
AgentInitializationData() - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationModel.AgentInitializationData
Builds the initialization data coming from the generation of the initial agents of the simulation.


buildDynamicStateDisambiguation(DynamicStateMap) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.engines.EngineMonothreadedDefaultdisambiguation
Builds a disambiguated version of an half consistent state of the simulation.
buildDynamicStateDisambiguation(DynamicStateMap) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.AbstractMonothreadedEngine
Builds a disambiguated version of an half consistent state of the simulation.


CATEGORY - Static variable in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system.SystemInfluenceAddAgent
The category of this influence.
CATEGORY - Static variable in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system.SystemInfluenceAddAgentToLevel
The category of this influence.
CATEGORY - Static variable in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system.SystemInfluenceRemoveAgent
The category of this influence.
CATEGORY - Static variable in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system.SystemInfluenceRemoveAgentFromLevel
The category of this influence.
changeParent(IPublicDynamicStateMap) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.DynamicStateFilteredMap
Changes the over map of this map.
clear() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.InfluencesMap
Removes all of the mappings from this map.
clearRegularInfluences() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState
Remove all the regular influences of this dynamic state.
clearRegularInfluences() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.IModifiablePublicLocalDynamicState
Remove all the regular influences of this dynamic state.
clearRegularInfluences() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
Remove all the regular influences of this dynamic state.
clearSystemInfluences() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState
Remove all the system influences of this dynamic state.
clearSystemInfluences() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.IModifiablePublicLocalDynamicState
Remove all the system influences of this dynamic state.
clearSystemInfluences() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
Remove all the system influences of this dynamic state.
clone() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.SimulationTimeStamp
Creates a copy of this object, having the same identifier.
compareToTimeStamp(SimulationTimeStamp) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.SimulationTimeStamp
Compares the identifier of this time stamp to the identifier of another time stamp.
computeSimulationImageDimensions(IPublicDynamicStateMap, SimulationTimeStamp) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel
Computes the dimensions of the image that will display the simulation.
ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate
Models a consistent public local dynamic state for a level l at a time t.
ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState(SimulationTimeStamp, LevelIdentifier) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState
Builds a consistent public local state for a specific time stamp.


decide(LevelIdentifier, SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, IGlobalState, ILocalStateOfAgent, ILocalStateOfAgent, IPerceivedData, InfluencesMap) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents.ExtendedAgent
Produces the influences resulting from the decisions of an agent from a specific level, for a specific transitory period.
decide(LevelIdentifier, SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, IGlobalState, ILocalStateOfAgent, ILocalStateOfAgent, IPerceivedData, InfluencesMap) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.IAgent
Produces the influences resulting from the decisions of an agent from a specific level, for a specific transitory period.
decide(LevelIdentifier, SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, IGlobalState, ILocalStateOfAgent, ILocalStateOfAgent, IPerceivedData, InfluencesMap) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.generic.PassiveAgent
Models a decision model doing nothing.
decide(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, IGlobalState, ILocalStateOfAgent, ILocalStateOfAgent, IPerceivedData, InfluencesMap) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents.IAgtDecisionModel
Produces the influences resulting from the decisions of an agent from the level identified by IAgtDecisionModel.getLevel(), for a specific transitory period.
decide(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, IGlobalState, ILocalStateOfAgent, ILocalStateOfAgent, IPerceivedData, InfluencesMap) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic.EmptyAgtDecisionModel
Produces the influences resulting from the decisions of an agent from the level identified by IAgtDecisionModel.getLevel(), for a specific transitory period.
disambiguation(TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationEngine
Disambiguates a public local dynamic state, i.e. transforms a transitory state into a fully observable state.
disambiguation(TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState) - Static method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.disambiguation.DisambiguationOperatorReturningLastConsistentState
Disambiguates a public local dynamic state, i.e. transforms a transitory state into a fully observable state.
disambiguation(TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.AbstractSimulationEngineWithInitialization
Disambiguates a public local dynamic state, i.e. transforms a transitory state into a fully observable state.
DisambiguationOperatorReturningLastConsistentState - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.disambiguation
Defines the implementation of a disambiguation operator always returning the last consistent state of the level.
DynamicStateFilteredMap - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine
This class defines a sub set of a dynamic state map.
DynamicStateFilteredMap(IPublicDynamicStateMap, Set<LevelIdentifier>) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.DynamicStateFilteredMap
Builds a sub set of an existing map of dynamic states.
DynamicStateMap - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine
The map-based implementation of a dynamic state map.
DynamicStateMap() - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.DynamicStateMap
Builds an initially empty map.


EmptyAgtDecisionModel - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic
Models a decision model producing no influences.
EmptyAgtDecisionModel(LevelIdentifier) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic.EmptyAgtDecisionModel
Creates an empty decision model, using a specific level identifier.
EmptyAgtPerceptionModel - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic
Models a perception model perceiving no data.
EmptyAgtPerceptionModel(LevelIdentifier) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic.EmptyAgtPerceptionModel
Creates an empty perception model, using a specific level identifier.
EmptyEnvNaturalModel - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic
Models a natural action model producing no influences.
EmptyEnvNaturalModel(LevelIdentifier) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic.EmptyEnvNaturalModel
Creates an empty natural action model, using a specific level identifier.
EmptyGlobalState - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.generic
Models a global state containing no information.
EmptyGlobalState() - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.generic.EmptyGlobalState
Builds an empty global state for an agent.
EmptyLevelReactionModel - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic
Models a reaction model doing nothing.
EmptyLevelReactionModel() - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic.EmptyLevelReactionModel
EmptyLocalStateOfAgent - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.generic
Models a public or private local state for the agent in a specific level.
EmptyLocalStateOfAgent(LevelIdentifier, IAgent4Engine) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.generic.EmptyLocalStateOfAgent
Builds an empty agent public or private local state for a specific level and a specific agent.
EmptyLocalStateOfEnvironment - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.generic
Models a public or private local state for the environment in a specific level.
EmptyLocalStateOfEnvironment(LevelIdentifier) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.generic.EmptyLocalStateOfEnvironment
Builds an empty environment public or private local state for a specific level.
EmptyPerceivedData - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.generic
Models perceived data containing no information.
EmptyPerceivedData(LevelIdentifier, SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.generic.EmptyPerceivedData
Builds empty data perceived by an agent from a specific level.
EndCriterionConjunction - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.endcriterion
An end criterion defined as the conjunction of other criteria.
EndCriterionConjunction(IEndCriterionModel...) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.endcriterion.EndCriterionConjunction
Builds a criterion as the conjunction of other criteria.
EndCriterionDisjunction - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.endcriterion
An end criterion defined as the disjunction of other criteria.
EndCriterionDisjunction(IEndCriterionModel...) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.endcriterion.EndCriterionDisjunction
Builds a criterion as the disjunction of other criteria.
EndCriterionNegation - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.endcriterion
An end criterion defined as the negation of another criterion.
EndCriterionNegation(IEndCriterionModel) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.endcriterion.EndCriterionNegation
Builds a criterion as the negation of another criterion.
endObservation() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.IProbe
Ends the observation of a simulation.
endObservation() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractProbe
Ends the observation of a simulation.
endObservation() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel
Ends the observation of a simulation.
endObservation() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeExecutionTracker
Ends the observation of a simulation.
endObservation() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeImageSwingJFrame
Ends the observation of a simulation.
EngineMonothreadedDefaultdisambiguation - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.engines
Models a simulation engine using monothreaded algorithms and the default disambiguation mechanism.
EngineMonothreadedDefaultdisambiguation() - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.engines.EngineMonothreadedDefaultdisambiguation
EnvironmentInitializationData(IEnvironment4Engine) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationModel.EnvironmentInitializationData
Builds the initialization data coming from the generation of the environment of the simulation.
equals(Object) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.AgentCategory
Check if this agent category is equal to another agent category.
equals(Object) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.LevelIdentifier
Check if this level identifier is equal to another level identifier.
equals(Object) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.SimulationTimeStamp
Returns true if this object models the same time stamp than the parameter.
ExceptionSimulationAborted - Exception in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine
The exception thrown when the simulation has finished because it was aborted.
ExceptionSimulationAborted(SimulationTimeStamp) - Constructor for exception fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.ExceptionSimulationAborted
Builds an initialized instance of this exception, where the time stamp of the abortion is set.
excludeFromLevel(LevelIdentifier) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.IAgent4Engine
Removes a level from the specification of this agent.
excludeFromLevel(LevelIdentifier) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractAgent
Removes a level from the specification of this agent.
ExtendedAgent - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents
Models an agent in the extended kernel.
ExtendedAgent(AgentCategory) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents.ExtendedAgent
Creates a bare instance of an agent, using a specific category.
ExtendedEnvironment - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.environment
Models an environment in the extended kernel.
ExtendedEnvironment() - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.environment.ExtendedEnvironment
Builds an environment for a simulation containing no levels.
ExtendedLevel - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.levels
Models a level in the extended kernel.
ExtendedLevel(SimulationTimeStamp, LevelIdentifier, ITimeModel, ILevelReactionModel) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.levels.ExtendedLevel
Builds an initialized instance of level having a specific identifier, a perception and influence relation graph containing only an edge between this level and itself, a specific time model and no reaction model.


fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar
The root package of the SIMILAR API suite.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel
Defines the extended-kernel of SIMILAR.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents
Defines the model of the agents in the extended-kernel of SIMILAR.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.environment - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.environment
Defines the model of the environment in the extended-kernel of SIMILAR.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.levels - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.levels
Defines the model of the levels in the extended-kernel of SIMILAR.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs
Contains the classes of the extended libs of the extended-kernel of SIMILAR.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.abstractimpl - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.abstractimpl
Contains the default, abstract and generic implementation of the various interfaces of the extended kernel.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.endcriterion - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.endcriterion
Contains libraries of simulation end criteria for the extended kernel of SIMILAR.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic
Contains concrete and reusable implementations of some interfaces of the extended kernel.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.timemodel - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.timemodel
Contains libraries of time models for the extended kernel of SIMILAR.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.simulationmodel - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.simulationmodel
Defines the model of the simulation in the extended-kernel of SIMILAR.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel
Defines the micro-kernel of SIMILAR.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents
Defines the interfaces and classes related to the agents of a simulation.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate
Defines the different implementations of a dynamic state of the simulation.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.environment - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.environment
Defines the interfaces and classes related to the environment of a simulation.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences
Defines the concrete classes related to the influences of a simulation.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system
Defines the system influences of the micro kernel.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.levels - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.levels
Defines the interfaces and classes related to the levels of a simulation.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs
Contains the classes of the common libs of the micro-kernel of SIMILAR.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl
Contains the default, abstract and generic implementation of the various interfaces of the micro kernel.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.disambiguation - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.disambiguation
Defines some generic disambiguation operators that can be used in simulations.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.engines - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.engines
Contains the simulation engines of the common libs.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.generic - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.generic
Contains concrete and reusable implementations of some interfaces of the micro kernel.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes
Defines reusable probes that can be instanciated or implemented by users.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools
Defines miscellaneous tools facilitating the design or the comprehension of SIMILAR simulations.
fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine - package fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine
Defines miscellaneous tools facilitating the design of simulation engines.


generateAgents(ISimulationParameters, Map<LevelIdentifier, ILevel>) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.simulationmodel.AbstractExtendedSimulationModel
Generates the agents of the simulation.
generateAgents(SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, ILevel>) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.simulationmodel.AbstractExtendedSimulationModel
Generates the agents of the simulation.
generateAgents(SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, ILevel>) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationModel
Generates the agents of the simulation.
generateEnvironment(ISimulationParameters, Map<LevelIdentifier, ILevel>) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.simulationmodel.AbstractExtendedSimulationModel
Generates the environment of the simulation.
generateEnvironment(SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, ILevel>) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.simulationmodel.AbstractExtendedSimulationModel
Generates the environment of the simulation.
generateEnvironment(SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, ILevel>) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationModel
Generates the environment of the simulation.
generateLevels(ISimulationParameters) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.simulationmodel.AbstractExtendedSimulationModel
Generates the bare levels of the simulation.
generateLevels(SimulationTimeStamp) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.simulationmodel.AbstractExtendedSimulationModel
Generates the bare levels of the simulation.
generateLevels(SimulationTimeStamp) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationModel
Generates the bare levels of the simulation.
get(LevelIdentifier) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.IPublicDynamicStateMap
Gets the dynamic state of a level contained in this map.
get(LevelIdentifier) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.DynamicStateFilteredMap
Gets the dynamic state of a level contained in this filtered map.
get(LevelIdentifier) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.DynamicStateMap
Gets the dynamic state of a level contained in this map.
getAgent() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system.SystemInfluenceAddAgent
Gets the agent to add to the simulation.
getAgent() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system.SystemInfluenceRemoveAgent
Gets the agent to remove from the simulation.
getAgentLocalState() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system.SystemInfluenceRemoveAgentFromLevel
Gets the public local state of the agent being removed from the level.
getAgents() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationEngine
Gets the set of all the agents lying in the simulation.
getAgents() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationModel.AgentInitializationData
Gets the agents of the simulation.
getAgents() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.AbstractSimulationEngineWithInitialization
Gets the set of all the agents lying in the simulation.
getAgents(LevelIdentifier) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationEngine
Gets the set of all the agents lying in a specific level of the simulation.
getAgents(LevelIdentifier) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.AbstractSimulationEngineWithInitialization
Gets the set of all the agents lying in a specific level of the simulation.
getCategory() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.IAgent
Gets the 'category' of agents to which this instance belongs to.
getCategory() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.AbstractInfluence
Returns the category defined in the constructor of this class.
getCategory() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.IInfluence
Gets the category of the influence, i.e. a name identifying the type of the influence.
getCategory() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractAgent
Gets the 'category' of agents to which this instance belongs to.
getCategoryOfAgent() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.ILocalStateOfAgent
Gets the category of the agent owning this local state.
getCategoryOfAgent() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractLocalStateOfAgent
Gets the category of the agent owning this local state.
getDecisionModel(LevelIdentifier) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents.ExtendedAgent
Gets the decision model of the agent from that level.
getDefinedKeys() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.InfluencesMap
Gets an unordered set containing the keys that are defined in this influences map.
getDoubleBuffer() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel
getEndCriterionModel() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.simulationmodel.AbstractExtendedSimulationModel
Gets the end criterion model used in this simulation model.
getEnvironment() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationEngine
Gets the environment the simulation.
getEnvironment() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationModel.EnvironmentInitializationData
Gets the environment of the simulation.
getEnvironment() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.AbstractSimulationEngineWithInitialization
Gets the environment the simulation.
getFinalTimeStamp() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.endcriterion.TimeBasedEndCriterion
Gets the final time stamp of the simulation.
getGlobalState() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.IAgent
Gets the global state of the agent.
getGlobalState() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractAgent
Gets the global state of the agent.
getGlobalStateRevisionModel() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents.ExtendedAgent
Gets the revision model of the global state of the agent.
getIdentifier() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.levels.ILevel
Gets the identifier of this level.
getIdentifier() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractLevel
Gets the identifier of this level, as defined in the constructor of the level.
getIdentifier() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.SimulationTimeStamp
Gets the unique identifier of this time stamp.
getInfluenceableLevels() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.levels.ILevel
Gets the levels that can be influenced by agents located in this level.
getInfluenceableLevels() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractLevel
Gets the levels that can be influenced by agents located in this level.
getInfluences() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationModel.AgentInitializationData
Gets the influences resulting from the generation of the agents.
getInfluences() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationModel.EnvironmentInitializationData
Gets the influences resulting from the generation of the environment.
getInfluencesForLevel(LevelIdentifier) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.InfluencesMap
Gets the influences contained in this map that are targeted at a specific level.
getInitialTime() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractSimulationParameters
Gets the initial time of the simulation.
getInitialTime() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.simulationmodel.ISimulationParameters
Gets the initial time of the simulation.
getInitialTime() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationModel
Gets the initial time of this time model.
getInitialTime() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractSimulationModel
Gets the initial time of this time model.
getLastConsistentDynamicState() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the last consistent public local dynamic state of the level.
getLastConsistentState() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.levels.ILevel
Gets the last consistent dynamic state of the level.
getLastConsistentState() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractLevel
Gets the last consistent dynamic state of the level.
getLastConsistentTimeBeforeAbortion() - Method in exception fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.ExceptionSimulationAborted
Gets the last time the simulation was half-consistent before the abortion of the simulation.
getLastTransitoryState() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.levels.ILevel
Gets the last transitory dynamic state of the level.
getLastTransitoryState() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractLevel
Gets the last transitory dynamic state of the level.
getLevel() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents.IAgtDecisionModel
Gets the level from which the decision is made.
getLevel() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents.IAgtPerceptionModel
Gets the level from which the perception is made.
getLevel() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.environment.IEnvNaturalModel
Gets the level from which the natural action is made.
getLevel() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractAgtDecisionModel
Gets the level from which the decision is made.
getLevel() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractAgtPerceptionModel
Gets the level from which the perception is made.
getLevel() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractEnvNaturalModel
Gets the level from which the natural action is made.
getLevel() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.IPerceivedData
Gets the identifier of the level from which these data were perceived.
getLevel() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the level for which the public local dynamic state is defined.
getLevel() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.IPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the level for which the public local dynamic state is defined.
getLevel() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the level for which the public local dynamic state is defined.
getLevel() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ILocalState
Gets the level for which this local state was defined.
getLevel() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractLocalState
Gets the level for which this local state was defined.
getLevel() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractPerceivedData
Gets the identifier of the level from which these data were perceived.
getLevelIdentifiers() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationEngine
Gets the set of level identifiers contained in the simulation.
getLevelIdentifiers() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.AbstractSimulationEngineWithInitialization
Gets the set of level identifiers contained in the simulation.
getLevels() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.IAgent
Gets the collection of the levels where this agent lies, i.e. the levels where this agent has a local state.
getLevels() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationEngine
Gets the list of levels contained in the simulation.
getLevels() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractAgent
Gets the collection of the levels where this agent lies, i.e. the levels where this agent has a local state.
getLevels() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.AbstractSimulationEngineWithInitialization
Gets the list of levels contained in the simulation.
getNaturalModelForLevel(LevelIdentifier) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.environment.ExtendedEnvironment
Gets the model of the natural action of the environment from that level.
getNextTime(SimulationTimeStamp) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.levels.ExtendedLevel
Gets the time stamp following a specific time stamp in this model.
getNextTime(SimulationTimeStamp) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.timemodel.PeriodicTimeModel
Gets the time stamp following a specific time stamp in this model.
getNextTime(SimulationTimeStamp) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.levels.ITimeModel
Gets the time stamp following a specific time stamp in this model.
getOwner() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.ILocalStateOfAgent4Engine
Gets the owner of the local state, i.e. the agent which public (resp. private) local state at a specific level is this object.
getOwner() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractLocalStateOfAgent
Gets the owner of the local state, i.e. the agent which public (resp. private) local state at a specific level is this object.
getPerceivedData() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.IAgent4Engine
Gets the data that were lastly perceived by the agent, for all the levels where it lies.
getPerceivedData() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractAgent
Gets the data that were lastly perceived by the agent, for all the levels where it lies.
getPerceptibleLevels() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.levels.ILevel
Gets the levels that can be perceived by agents located in this level.
getPerceptibleLevels() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractLevel
Gets the levels that can be perceived by agents located in this level.
getPerceptionModel(LevelIdentifier) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents.ExtendedAgent
Gets the perception model of the agent from that level.
getPeriod() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.timemodel.PeriodicTimeModel
Gets the period of the time model.
getPhaseShift() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.timemodel.PeriodicTimeModel
Gets the phase shift of the time model.
getPrivateLocalState() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system.SystemInfluenceAddAgentToLevel
Gets the private local state to add to the agent (and to the dynamic state of the level).
getPrivateLocalState(LevelIdentifier) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.IAgent
Gets the private local state of the agent located in a specific level of the simulation.
getPrivateLocalState(LevelIdentifier) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.environment.IEnvironment
Gets the private local state of the environment for a specific level.
getPrivateLocalState(LevelIdentifier) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractAgent
Gets the private local state of the agent located in a specific level of the simulation.
getPrivateLocalState(LevelIdentifier) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractEnvironment
Gets the private local state of the environment for a specific level.
getProbe(String) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractSimulationEngine
Gets the probe having a specific id.
getProbes() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractSimulationEngine
Gets the probes that are registered to this simulation engine.
getProbesIdentifiers() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationEngine
Lists the identifier of all the probes that are registered to this engine.
getProbesIdentifiers() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractSimulationEngine
Lists the identifier of all the probes that are registered to this engine.
getPublicLocalState() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system.SystemInfluenceAddAgentToLevel
Gets the public local state to add to the agent (and to the dynamic state of the level).
getPublicLocalState(LevelIdentifier) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.IAgent
Gets the public local state of the agent located in a specific level of the simulation.
getPublicLocalState(LevelIdentifier) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.environment.IEnvironment
Gets the public local state of the environment for a specific level.
getPublicLocalState(LevelIdentifier) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractAgent
Gets the public local state of the agent located in a specific level of the simulation.
getPublicLocalState(LevelIdentifier) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractEnvironment
Gets the public local state of the environment for a specific level.
getPublicLocalStateOfAgents() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the public local state of the agents lying in the level of this dynamic state.
getPublicLocalStateOfAgents() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.IPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the public local state of the agents lying in the level of this dynamic state.
getPublicLocalStateOfAgents() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the public local state of the agents lying in the level of this dynamic state.
getPublicLocalStateOfEnvironment() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the public local state of the environment contained in this public local dynamic state.
getPublicLocalStateOfEnvironment() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.IPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the public local state of the environment contained in this public local dynamic state.
getPublicLocalStateOfEnvironment() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the public local state of the environment contained in this public local dynamic state.
getPublicLocalStates() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.IAgent4Engine
Gets the public local states of the agent.
getPublicLocalStates() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.environment.IEnvironment4Engine
Gets the public local states of the environment.
getPublicLocalStates() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractAgent
Gets the public local states of the agent.
getPublicLocalStates() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractEnvironment
Gets the public local states of the environment.
getReactionModel() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.levels.ExtendedLevel
Gets the reaction model used by the level.
getRegularInfluencesOfStateDynamics() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the non-system influences contained in the state dynamics.
getRegularInfluencesOfStateDynamics() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.IPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the non-system influences contained in the state dynamics.
getRegularInfluencesOfStateDynamics() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the non-system influences contained in the state dynamics.
getSimulationDynamicStates() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationEngine
Gets the current dynamic states of the simulation.
getSimulationDynamicStates() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.AbstractSimulationEngineWithInitialization
Gets the current dynamic states of the simulation.
getSimulationParameters() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.simulationmodel.AbstractExtendedSimulationModel
Gets the parameters currently being used in the simulation.
getStateDynamics() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the state dynamics of this public local dynamic state, i.e. the influences that are still active (being performed) when the level was in this state.
getStateDynamics() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.IPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the state dynamics of this public local dynamic state, i.e. the influences that are still active (being performed) when the level was in this state.
getStateDynamics() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the state dynamics of this public local dynamic state, i.e. the influences that are still active (being performed) when the level was in this state.
getSwingView() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel
Gets the swing panel where the simulation is displayed.
getSystemInfluencesOfStateDynamics() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the system influences contained in the state dynamics.
getSystemInfluencesOfStateDynamics() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.IPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the system influences contained in the state dynamics.
getSystemInfluencesOfStateDynamics() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the system influences contained in the state dynamics.
getTargetLevel() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.AbstractInfluence
Returns the target level defined in the constructor of this class.
getTargetLevel() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.IInfluence
Gets the identifier of the level whose reaction will process this influence.
getTime() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the consistent time of this state.
getTimeElapsedBetween(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractRealTimeMatcherProbe
Gets the time elapsed between two simulation time stamps, in seconds.
getTimeLowerBound() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.AbstractInfluence
Gets the lower bound of the transitory period during which this influence was created.
getTimeLowerBound() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.IInfluence
Gets the lower bound of the transitory period during which this influence was created.
getTimeModel() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.levels.ExtendedLevel
Gets the time model used by this level.
getTimeUpperBound() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.AbstractInfluence
Gets the upper bound of the transitory period during which this influence was created.
getTimeUpperBound() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.IInfluence
Gets the upper bound of the transitory period during which this influence was created.
getTransitoryPeriodMax() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.IPerceivedData
Gets the upper bound of the transitory period for which these data were perceived.
getTransitoryPeriodMax() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the upper bound of the transitory period of this state.
getTransitoryPeriodMax() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractPerceivedData
Gets the upper bound of the transitory period for which these data were perceived.
getTransitoryPeriodMin() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.IPerceivedData
Gets the lower bound of the transitory period for which these data were perceived.
getTransitoryPeriodMin() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
Gets the lower bound of the transitory period of this state.
getTransitoryPeriodMin() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractPerceivedData
Gets the lower bound of the transitory period for which these data were perceived.


hashCode() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.AgentCategory
Gets the hash code of this object.
hashCode() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.LevelIdentifier
Gets the hash code of this object.
hashCode() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.SimulationTimeStamp
Returns a hash code value for this object.
HIDE_AND_WAIT_FOR_SIMULATION_END - fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeImageSwingJFrame.ClosingManagementStrategy
The simulation will continue when the frame is closed.


IAgent - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents
Models an agent contained in the simulation.
IAgent4Engine - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents
Models an agent contained in the simulation, which specifications include engine optimization related methods.
IAgtDecisionModel - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents
Models the decision process used by an agent to make decision from a specific level.
IAgtGlobalStateRevisionModel - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents
Models the global state revision process used by an agent to update its global state.
IAgtPerceptionModel - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents
Models the perception process used by an agent to produce perceived data from a specific level.
IdentityAgtGlobalStateRevisionModel - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic
Models a global state revision model performing no changes in the global state of the agent.
IdentityAgtGlobalStateRevisionModel() - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic.IdentityAgtGlobalStateRevisionModel
IEndCriterionModel - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.simulationmodel
Models the ending criterion used in the simulation.
IEnvironment - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.environment
Models the environment of the simulation.
IEnvironment4Engine - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.environment
Models the environment of the simulation, which specifications include engine optimization related methods.
IEnvNaturalModel - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.environment
Models the natural action process used by an environment to produce influences from a specific level.
IGlobalState - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents
Models the level-independent part of the state of an agent (for instance a plan used in more than one level).
IInfluence - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences
Models an influence produced by the agents, the environment or the reaction to modify the dynamic state of the simulation.
ILevel - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.levels
Models a level of the simulation.
ILevelReactionModel - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.levels
Models the reaction process used by a level to react to the influences it received.
ILocalState - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel
Models either a public or a private local state of an agent or of the environment.
ILocalStateOfAgent - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents
Models either a public or a private local state of an agent.
ILocalStateOfAgent4Engine - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents
Models either a public or a private local state of an agent.
ILocalStateOfEnvironment - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.environment
Models either a public or a private local state of the environment.
IModifiablePublicLocalDynamicState - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate
Models a modifiable public local dynamic state.
includeNewLevel(LevelIdentifier, ILocalStateOfAgent, ILocalStateOfAgent) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.IAgent4Engine
Include a new level in the specification of this agent.
includeNewLevel(LevelIdentifier, ILocalStateOfAgent, ILocalStateOfAgent) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractAgent
Include a new level in the specification of this agent.
includeNewLevel(LevelIdentifier, ILocalStateOfEnvironment, ILocalStateOfEnvironment) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractEnvironment
Introduces the level-related data of the environment for a new level.
InfluencesMap - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences
A data structure containing a collection of influences, ordered using the target level of the influences.
InfluencesMap() - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.InfluencesMap
Builds an empty influences map.
InfluencesMap(IInfluence...) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.InfluencesMap
Builds an influences map initially containing a specific array of influences.
InfluencesMap(InfluencesMap) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.InfluencesMap
Builds an influences map as a copy of an existing influences map.
InfluencesMap(Collection<IInfluence>) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.InfluencesMap
Builds an influences map initially containing a specific collection of influences.
initializeGlobalState(IGlobalState) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractAgent
Sets the value of the initial global state of the agent.
initializeSimulation(ISimulationModel) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.AbstractSimulationEngineWithInitialization
Initializes the simulation that will run.
initializeStates(ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractLevel
Sets the initial value of the last consistent and the last transitory public state of the level.
initialTime - Variable in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractSimulationParameters
The initial time of the simulation.
IPerceivedData - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents
Models the data that were perceived by an agent from a specific level l.
IProbe - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel
Models an observation probe extracting data from the simulation when at least one level becomes consistent.
IPublicDynamicStateMap - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate
Models a map containing public local dynamic states.
IPublicLocalDynamicState - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate
The parent interface of any public dynamic state of a level of the simulation.
isA(AgentCategory) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.AgentCategory
Determines if an agent having this category is considered as belonging to the category provided in parameter.
isAbortionRequested() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.AbstractSimulationEngineWithInitialization
Tells if the simulation has to be aborted or not.
isEmpty() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.InfluencesMap
Tells whether if this map contains at least one influence or not.
isEmpty(LevelIdentifier) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.InfluencesMap
Check if this map contains no influences targeted at a specific level.
isFinalTimeOrAfter(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.endcriterion.EndCriterionConjunction
Tells if a time stamp is greater or equal to the final time stamp.
isFinalTimeOrAfter(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.endcriterion.EndCriterionDisjunction
Tells if a time stamp is greater or equal to the final time stamp.
isFinalTimeOrAfter(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.endcriterion.EndCriterionNegation
Tells if a time stamp is greater or equal to the final time stamp.
isFinalTimeOrAfter(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.endcriterion.TimeBasedEndCriterion
Tells if a time stamp is greater or equal to the final time stamp.
isFinalTimeOrAfter(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.simulationmodel.AbstractExtendedSimulationModel
Tells if a time stamp is greater or equal to the final time stamp.
isFinalTimeOrAfter(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.simulationmodel.IEndCriterionModel
Tells if a time stamp is greater or equal to the final time stamp.
isFinalTimeOrAfter(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationModel
Tells if a time stamp is greater or equal to the final time stamp.
ISimulationEngine - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel
Models a simulation engine, i.e. the object moving the simulation through time.
ISimulationModel - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel
Models a simulation that can be performed using a simulation engine.
ISimulationModel.AgentInitializationData - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel
Models the initialization data coming from the generation of the initial agents of the simulation.
ISimulationModel.EnvironmentInitializationData - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel
Models the initialization data coming from the generation of the environment of the simulation.
ISimulationParameters - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.simulationmodel
The parent interface of the parameters used in a simulation.
isOwnedBy(IAgent) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.ILocalStateOfAgent
Checks if an agent is the owner of a local state.
isOwnedBy(IAgent) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractLocalStateOfAgent
Checks if an agent is the owner of a local state.
isSystem() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.IInfluence
Checks if this influence is a system influence, and has to be managed by the simulation engine.
isSystem() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.RegularInfluence
Returns false, since this influence is a non-system influence.
isSystem() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.SystemInfluence
Returns true, since this influence is a system influence.
iterator() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ViewOnSetUnion
ITimeModel - Interface in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.levels
Models how the time stamps of the simulation or of a level evolve through time.


keySet() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.IPublicDynamicStateMap
Gets the levels which dynamic state is contained in this map.
keySet() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.DynamicStateFilteredMap
Gets the levels which dynamic state is contained in this filtered map.
keySet() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.DynamicStateMap
Gets the levels which dynamic state is contained in this map.


LevelIdentifier - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel
The object identifying one level involved in a simulation.
LevelIdentifier(String) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.LevelIdentifier
Builds an instance of this class using a specific value for the level identifier.


MainJPanel(Color) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel.MainJPanel
Builds an initialized JPanel where the probe is being displayed.
makeRegularReaction(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState, Set<IInfluence>, InfluencesMap) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.levels.ExtendedLevel
Performs a user-defined reaction to the regular influences that were lying in the most recent consistent dynamic state of the level and to the influences that were added into the transitory dynamic state of the level.
makeRegularReaction(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState, Set<IInfluence>, InfluencesMap) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.levels.ILevelReactionModel
Performs a user-defined reaction to the regular influences that were lying in the most recent consistent dynamic state of the level and to the influences that were added into the transitory dynamic state of the level.
makeRegularReaction(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState, Set<IInfluence>, InfluencesMap) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic.EmptyLevelReactionModel
Performs a user-defined reaction to the regular influences that were lying in the most recent consistent dynamic state of the level and to the influences that were added into the transitory dynamic state of the level.
makeRegularReaction(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState, Set<IInfluence>, InfluencesMap) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.levels.ILevel
Performs a user-defined reaction to the regular influences that were lying in the most recent consistent dynamic state of the level and to the influences that were added into the transitory dynamic state of the level.
makeSystemReaction(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState, Collection<IInfluence>, boolean, InfluencesMap) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.levels.ExtendedLevel
Performs a user-defined reaction to the system influences that are lying in the most recent consistent dynamic state of the level and to the influences that were added into the transitory dynamic state of the level.
makeSystemReaction(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState, Collection<IInfluence>, boolean, InfluencesMap) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.levels.ILevelReactionModel
Performs a user-defined reaction to the system influences that are lying in the most recent consistent dynamic state of the level and to the influences that were added into the transitory dynamic state of the level.
makeSystemReaction(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState, Collection<IInfluence>, boolean, InfluencesMap) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic.EmptyLevelReactionModel
Performs a user-defined reaction to the system influences that are lying in the most recent consistent dynamic state of the level and to the influences that were added into the transitory dynamic state of the level.
makeSystemReaction(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState, Collection<IInfluence>, boolean, InfluencesMap) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.levels.ILevel
Performs a user-defined reaction to the system influences that are lying in the most recent consistent dynamic state of the level and to the influences that were added into the transitory dynamic state of the level.
MILLISECONDS_IN_SECONDS - Static variable in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractRealTimeMatcherProbe
The number of milliseconds in a second.
moveInfluencesToConsistentState() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
Moves the influences contained in this transitory state into the consistent dynamic state it is attached to.


NANOSECONDS_IN_SECONDS - Static variable in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractRealTimeMatcherProbe
The number of nanoseconds in a second.
natural(LevelIdentifier, SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, ILocalStateOfEnvironment>, ILocalStateOfEnvironment, IPublicDynamicStateMap, InfluencesMap) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.environment.ExtendedEnvironment
Models the natural action of the environment on the simulation, from a specific level.
natural(LevelIdentifier, SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, ILocalStateOfEnvironment>, ILocalStateOfEnvironment, IPublicDynamicStateMap, InfluencesMap) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.environment.IEnvironment
Models the natural action of the environment on the simulation, from a specific level.
natural(LevelIdentifier, SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, ILocalStateOfEnvironment>, ILocalStateOfEnvironment, IPublicDynamicStateMap, InfluencesMap) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.generic.PassiveEnvironment
Models a natural action doing nothing.
natural(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, ILocalStateOfEnvironment>, ILocalStateOfEnvironment, IPublicDynamicStateMap, InfluencesMap) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.environment.IEnvNaturalModel
Models the natural action of the environment on the simulation, from the level identified by IEnvNaturalModel.getLevel().
natural(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, ILocalStateOfEnvironment>, ILocalStateOfEnvironment, IPublicDynamicStateMap, InfluencesMap) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic.EmptyEnvNaturalModel
Models the natural action of the environment on the simulation, from the level identified by IEnvNaturalModel.getLevel().
NEVER_HIDE - fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeImageSwingJFrame.ClosingManagementStrategy
The frame does not hide, even when the user clicks on the cross.


observeAtFinalTime(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.IProbe
Observes the state of the simulation when the final time stamp of the simulation is reached.
observeAtFinalTime(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractProbe
Observes the state of the simulation when the final time stamp of the simulation is reached.
observeAtFinalTime(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel
Observes the state of the simulation when the final time stamp of the simulation is reached.
observeAtFinalTime(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeExecutionTracker
Observes the state of the simulation when the final time stamp of the simulation is reached.
observeAtFinalTime(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeImageSwingJFrame
Observes the state of the simulation when the final time stamp of the simulation is reached.
observeAtInitialTimes(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.IProbe
Observes the state of the simulation when the initial time stamp is reached.
observeAtInitialTimes(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractProbe
Observes the state of the simulation when the initial time stamp is reached.
observeAtInitialTimes(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel
Observes the state of the simulation when the initial time stamp is reached.
observeAtInitialTimes(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractRealTimeMatcherProbe
Observes the state of the simulation when the initial time stamp is reached.
observeAtInitialTimes(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeExecutionTracker
Observes the state of the simulation when the initial time stamp is reached.
observeAtInitialTimes(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeImageSwingJFrame
Observes the state of the simulation when the initial time stamp is reached.
observeAtPartialConsistentTime(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.IProbe
Observes the state of the simulation when at least one level is in a consistent state.
observeAtPartialConsistentTime(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractProbe
Observes the state of the simulation when at least one level is in a consistent state.
observeAtPartialConsistentTime(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel
Observes the state of the simulation when at least one level is in a consistent state.
observeAtPartialConsistentTime(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractRealTimeMatcherProbe
Observes the state of the simulation when at least one level is in a consistent state.
observeAtPartialConsistentTime(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeExecutionTracker
Observes the state of the simulation when at least one level is in a consistent state.
observeAtPartialConsistentTime(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeImageSwingJFrame
Observes the state of the simulation when at least one level is in a consistent state.


PassiveAgent - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.generic
Models an agent doing nothing in the simulation, i.e. having a perception, global state revision and decision process doing nothing and producing no influences.
PassiveAgent(AgentCategory) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.generic.PassiveAgent
Creates a bare instance of an agent, using a specific category.
PassiveEnvironment - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.generic
Models an environment doing nothing in the simulation, i.e. having a natural action process doing nothing and producing no influences.
PassiveEnvironment() - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.generic.PassiveEnvironment
perceive(LevelIdentifier, SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, ILocalStateOfAgent>, ILocalStateOfAgent, IPublicDynamicStateMap) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents.ExtendedAgent
Creates the data perceived by an agent located in a specific level.
perceive(LevelIdentifier, SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, ILocalStateOfAgent>, ILocalStateOfAgent, IPublicDynamicStateMap) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.IAgent
Creates the data perceived by an agent located in a specific level.
perceive(LevelIdentifier, SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, ILocalStateOfAgent>, ILocalStateOfAgent, IPublicDynamicStateMap) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.generic.PassiveAgent
Models a perception model perceiving nothing.
perceive(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, ILocalStateOfAgent>, ILocalStateOfAgent, IPublicDynamicStateMap) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents.IAgtPerceptionModel
Creates the data perceived by an agent located in the level identified by IAgtPerceptionModel.getLevel().
perceive(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, ILocalStateOfAgent>, ILocalStateOfAgent, IPublicDynamicStateMap) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic.EmptyAgtPerceptionModel
Creates the data perceived by an agent located in the level identified by IAgtPerceptionModel.getLevel().
performSimulation(ISimulationModel) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.AbstractSimulationEngineWithInitialization
Runs the simulation, so that it will go from its initial state to its final state.
performSimulation(ISimulationModel, DynamicStateMap, LinkedHashMap<LevelIdentifier, ILevel>, LinkedHashMap<LevelIdentifier, LinkedHashSet<IAgent4Engine>>, IEnvironment4Engine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.engines.EngineMonothreadedDefaultdisambiguation
Runs the simulation, so that it goes from its current initial state to its final state.
performSimulation(ISimulationModel, DynamicStateMap, LinkedHashMap<LevelIdentifier, ILevel>, LinkedHashMap<LevelIdentifier, LinkedHashSet<IAgent4Engine>>, IEnvironment4Engine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.AbstractMonothreadedEngine
Runs the simulation, so that it goes from its current initial state to its final state.
performSimulation(ISimulationModel, DynamicStateMap, LinkedHashMap<LevelIdentifier, ILevel>, LinkedHashMap<LevelIdentifier, LinkedHashSet<IAgent4Engine>>, IEnvironment4Engine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.AbstractSimulationEngineWithInitialization
Runs the simulation, so that it goes from its current initial state to its final state.
PeriodicTimeModel - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.timemodel
A time model using a period and a phase shift to determine the next time stamp.
PeriodicTimeModel(long, long, SimulationTimeStamp) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.timemodel.PeriodicTimeModel
Builds a periodic time model having a specific period and phase shift.
prepareObservation() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.IProbe
Prepares the observation of a simulation.
prepareObservation() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractProbe
Prepares the observation of a simulation.
prepareObservation() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel
Prepares the observation of a simulation.
prepareObservation() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeExecutionTracker
Prepares the observation of a simulation.
prepareObservation() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeImageSwingJFrame
Prepares the observation of a simulation.
ProbeExceptionPrinter - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes
A probe of the 'common libs' printing on the standard output the trace of an exception that was thrown during the execution of the simulation.
ProbeExceptionPrinter() - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeExceptionPrinter
ProbeExecutionTracker - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes
This probe tracks the execution of the simulation and prints notification messages in a stream printer.
ProbeExecutionTracker(PrintStream) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeExecutionTracker
Creates an instance of this probe writing in a specific print stream.
ProbeExecutionTracker(PrintStream, boolean) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeExecutionTracker
Creates an instance of this probe writing in a specific print stream.
ProbeImageSwingJFrame - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes
This probe prints the content of the simulation in a JFrame, using an image defined in a AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel probe.
ProbeImageSwingJFrame(String, AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeImageSwingJFrame
Builds the frame where the simulation is being printed on screen using a swing image.
ProbeImageSwingJFrame(String, AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel, ProbeImageSwingJFrame.ClosingManagementStrategy, Dimension) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeImageSwingJFrame
Builds the frame where the simulation is being printed on screen using a swing image.
ProbeImageSwingJFrame.ClosingManagementStrategy - Enum in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes
Defines the various strategies to the reaction of the application when the user requests the closure of the frame.
put(IPublicLocalDynamicState) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.IPublicDynamicStateMap
Puts a dynamic state into this map.
put(IPublicLocalDynamicState) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.DynamicStateFilteredMap
This operation is not supported in this class.
put(IPublicLocalDynamicState) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.DynamicStateMap
Puts a dynamic state into this map.


reactToAbortion(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.IProbe
Reacts to the abortion of a currently running simulation.
reactToAbortion(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractProbe
Reacts to the abortion of a currently running simulation.
reactToAbortion(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel
Reacts to the abortion of a currently running simulation.
reactToAbortion(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeExecutionTracker
Reacts to the abortion of a currently running simulation.
reactToAbortion(SimulationTimeStamp, ISimulationEngine) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeImageSwingJFrame
Reacts to the abortion of a currently running simulation.
reactToError(String, Throwable) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.IProbe
Reacts to an error thrown by the simulation engine.
reactToError(String, Throwable) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractProbe
Reacts to an error thrown by the simulation engine.
reactToError(String, Throwable) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel
Reacts to an error thrown by the simulation engine.
reactToError(String, Throwable) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeExceptionPrinter
Reacts to an error thrown by the simulation engine.
reactToError(String, Throwable) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeExecutionTracker
Reacts to an error thrown by the simulation engine.
reactToError(String, Throwable) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeImageSwingJFrame
Reacts to an error thrown by the simulation engine.
RegularInfluence - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences
Models a non-system and user-defined influence.
RegularInfluence(String, LevelIdentifier, SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.RegularInfluence
Builds a regular influence from a specific category.
removeBehaviorForLevel(LevelIdentifier) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents.ExtendedAgent
Removes the behavior of the agent for the specified level.
removeProbe(String) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationEngine
Removes a probe from the simulation engine.
removeProbe(String) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractSimulationEngine
Removes a probe from the simulation engine.
removePublicLocalStateOfAgent(ILocalStateOfAgent) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState
Removes the public local state of an agent from this public local dynamic state.
removePublicLocalStateOfAgent(ILocalStateOfAgent) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.IModifiablePublicLocalDynamicState
Removes the public local state of an agent from this public local dynamic state.
removePublicLocalStateOfAgent(ILocalStateOfAgent) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
This operation is not supported in transitory states.
requestSimulationAbortion() - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationEngine
Requests the abortion of the simulation currently running with this simulation engine.
requestSimulationAbortion() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.AbstractSimulationEngineWithInitialization
Requests the abortion of the simulation currently running with this simulation engine.
reviseGlobalState(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, IPerceivedData>, IGlobalState) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents.ExtendedAgent
Revises the content of the global state of the agent, using the previous value of its global state and the data that were lastly perceived by the agent.
reviseGlobalState(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, IPerceivedData>, IGlobalState) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents.IAgtGlobalStateRevisionModel
Revises the content of the global state of the agent, using the previous value of its global state and the data that were lastly perceived by the agent.
reviseGlobalState(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, IPerceivedData>, IGlobalState) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic.IdentityAgtGlobalStateRevisionModel
Revises the content of the global state of the agent, using the previous value of its global state and the data that were lastly perceived by the agent.
reviseGlobalState(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, IPerceivedData>, IGlobalState) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.IAgent
Revises the content of the global state of the agent, using the previous value of its global state and the data that were lastly perceived by the agent.
reviseGlobalState(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, Map<LevelIdentifier, IPerceivedData>, IGlobalState) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.generic.PassiveAgent
Models a global state revision model doing nothing.
runNewSimulation(ISimulationModel) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.ISimulationEngine
Initializes and then runs completely a simulation.
runNewSimulation(ISimulationModel) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.AbstractSimulationEngineWithInitialization
Initializes and then runs completely a simulation.
runNewSimulationWithoutCheckingErrors(ISimulationModel) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.tools.engine.AbstractSimulationEngineWithInitialization
Performs the same task than the AbstractSimulationEngineWithInitialization.runNewSimulation(ISimulationModel) method, but without checking errors.


setPerceivedData(IPerceivedData) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.agents.IAgent4Engine
Sets the data that were lastly perceived by the agent from a specific level where it lies.
setPerceivedData(IPerceivedData) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.abstractimpl.AbstractAgent
Sets the data that were lastly perceived by the agent from a specific level where it lies.
setPublicLocalStateOfEnvironment(ILocalStateOfEnvironment) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState
Sets the value of the public local state of the environment in this dynamic state.
setPublicLocalStateOfEnvironment(ILocalStateOfEnvironment) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.IModifiablePublicLocalDynamicState
Sets the value of the public local state of the environment in this dynamic state.
setPublicLocalStateOfEnvironment(ILocalStateOfEnvironment) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
This operation is not supported in transitory states.
setReactionModel(ILevelReactionModel) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.levels.ExtendedLevel
Sets the reaction model used by the level.
setStateDynamicsAsCopyOf(Collection<IInfluence>) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState
Sets the state dynamics of this public local dynamic state as a copy of the specified value.
setStateDynamicsAsCopyOf(Collection<IInfluence>) - Method in interface fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.IModifiablePublicLocalDynamicState
Sets the state dynamics of this public local dynamic state as a copy of the specified value.
setStateDynamicsAsCopyOf(Collection<IInfluence>) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
This operation is not supported in transitory states.
setTime(SimulationTimeStamp) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState
Sets the consistent time of this state.
setTransitoryPeriodMax(SimulationTimeStamp) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
Sets the higher bound of the time range for which this transitory state is defined, i.e. the next time when the level will be in a consistent and observable state.
showInitializationLabel() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel.MainJPanel
Displays the initialization label in the panel.
showSimulationPanel() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel.MainJPanel
Displays the simulation panel in the panel.
SimpleSimulationParameters - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic
Models simulation parameters containing only the initial time of the simulation.
SimpleSimulationParameters(SimulationTimeStamp) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.generic.SimpleSimulationParameters
Builds an initialized instance of this class.
SimulationTimeStamp - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel
Models a time stamp (i.e. the beginning of a time step) of the simulation.
SimulationTimeStamp(long) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.SimulationTimeStamp
Builds a time stamp having a specific identifier.
SimulationTimeStamp(SimulationTimeStamp) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.SimulationTimeStamp
Builds a time stamp as a copy of another time stamp.
SimulationTimeStamp(SimulationTimeStamp, int) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.SimulationTimeStamp
Builds a time stamp which identifier is defined relatively to the identifier of another time stamp.
size() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ViewOnSetUnion
specifyBehaviorForLevel(LevelIdentifier, IAgtPerceptionModel, IAgtDecisionModel) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents.ExtendedAgent
Defines the behavior of an agent from a specific level of the simulation.
specifyBehaviorForLevel(LevelIdentifier, IEnvNaturalModel) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.environment.ExtendedEnvironment
Specifies the behavior of the environment from the specified level.
specifyGlobalStateRevisionModel(IAgtGlobalStateRevisionModel) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.agents.ExtendedAgent
Defines the revision model of the global state of the agent.
swapDoubleBufferAndDisplayImage(SimulationTimeStamp, IPublicDynamicStateMap) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel
Refreshes the not displayed image of the double buffer with the simulation data defined as arguments of this method, and then performs a double buffer swap to display its content on screen.
SystemInfluence - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences
Models a system influence that has to be managed at least by the simulation engine of the simulation.
SystemInfluence(String, LevelIdentifier, SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.SystemInfluence
Builds a system influence from a specific category.
SystemInfluenceAddAgent - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system
The system influence sent to a level when the reaction of that level has to insert a new agent into the simulation and make appear it public local state into the public dynamic state of the levels.
SystemInfluenceAddAgent(LevelIdentifier, SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, IAgent4Engine) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system.SystemInfluenceAddAgent
Builds an 'Add agent' system influence adding a specific agent to the simulation during the next reaction of a specific level.
SystemInfluenceAddAgentToLevel - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system
The system influence sent to a level when the reaction of that level has to include an agent to the level.
SystemInfluenceAddAgentToLevel(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, ILocalStateOfAgent, ILocalStateOfAgent) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system.SystemInfluenceAddAgentToLevel
Builds an 'Add agent to a level' system influence, adding an agent to the dynamic state of a specific level during the next reaction of that level.
SystemInfluenceRemoveAgent - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system
The system influence sent to a level when the reaction of that level has to remove the agent from the simulation, and make disappear its public local state from the public dynamic state of the levels.
SystemInfluenceRemoveAgent(LevelIdentifier, SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, ILocalStateOfAgent) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system.SystemInfluenceRemoveAgent
Builds a 'Remove agent' system influence removing a specific agent from the simulation during the next reaction of a specific level.
SystemInfluenceRemoveAgentFromLevel - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system
The system influence sent to a level when the reaction of that level has to remove an agent from the level.
SystemInfluenceRemoveAgentFromLevel(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, IAgent4Engine, LevelIdentifier) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system.SystemInfluenceRemoveAgentFromLevel
Builds a 'Remove agent from a level' system influence, removing an agent from the dynamic state of a specific level during the next reaction of that level.
SystemInfluenceRemoveAgentFromLevel(SimulationTimeStamp, SimulationTimeStamp, ILocalStateOfAgent4Engine) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system.SystemInfluenceRemoveAgentFromLevel
Builds a 'Remove agent from a level' system influence, removing an agent from the dynamic state of a specific level during the next reaction of that level.


TimeBasedEndCriterion - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.endcriterion
A simulation end criterion based on a final time stamp to reach.
TimeBasedEndCriterion(SimulationTimeStamp) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.extendedkernel.libs.endcriterion.TimeBasedEndCriterion
Builds a simulation end criterion based on a final time stamp to reach.
toString() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.AgentCategory
Gets a printable version of the agent category.
toString() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.AbstractInfluence
Uses the category and the target level of the influence to build a printable version of this object.
toString() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system.SystemInfluenceAddAgent
Uses the category, the target level and the added agent of the influence to build a printable version of this object.
toString() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system.SystemInfluenceAddAgentToLevel
Uses the category, the target level and the owner of the public local state of the influence to build a printable version of this object.
toString() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system.SystemInfluenceRemoveAgent
Uses the category, the target level and the removed agent of the influence to build a printable version of this object.
toString() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.influences.system.SystemInfluenceRemoveAgentFromLevel
Uses the category, the target level and the owner of the public local state of the influence to build a printable version of this object.
toString() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.LevelIdentifier
Gets a printable version of the level identifier.
toString() - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.SimulationTimeStamp
TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate
Models the public dynamic state of a level when the level is in a transitory phase, i.e. when the environment and the agents in the level are evaluating their behavior between two consistent states.
TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState(ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
Builds a transitory public local dynamic state modeling the state of the level for a time t between the time stamp of the last consistent dynamic state, and the time stamp of the next consistent dynamic state.
TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState(ConsistentPublicLocalDynamicState, SimulationTimeStamp) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.TransitoryPublicLocalDynamicState
Builds a transitory public local dynamic state modeling the state of the level for a time t between the time stamp of the last consistent dynamic state, and the time stamp of the next consistent dynamic state.


updateGraphics(IPublicDynamicStateMap, SimulationTimeStamp, Graphics2D, int, int) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel
Updates the contents of a graphics object with the contents of the levels of the simulation.
updateSimulationPanel(BufferedImage) - Method in class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.AbstractProbeImageSwingJPanel.MainJPanel
Swaps the image being printed into the panel.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeImageSwingJFrame.ClosingManagementStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.libs.probes.ProbeImageSwingJFrame.ClosingManagementStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ViewOnSetUnion<E> - Class in fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate
This class models a set as the union of two other sets.
ViewOnSetUnion(Set<? extends E>, Set<? extends E>) - Constructor for class fr.univ_artois.lgi2a.similar.microkernel.dynamicstate.ViewOnSetUnion
Builds a view on the dynamic union of two sets.
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