Class IdentityAgtGlobalStateRevisionModel

    • Constructor Detail

      • IdentityAgtGlobalStateRevisionModel

        public IdentityAgtGlobalStateRevisionModel()
    • Method Detail

      • reviseGlobalState

        public void reviseGlobalState​(SimulationTimeStamp timeLowerBound,
                                      SimulationTimeStamp timeUpperBound,
                                      Map<LevelIdentifier,​IPerceivedData> perceivedData,
                                      IGlobalState globalState)
        Revises the content of the global state of the agent, using the previous value of its global state and the data that were lastly perceived by the agent.

        This method corresponds to the application memoryReva, ]t,t+dt[ of this agent.

        As a side effect of this method call, the value μa( t ) of the argument globalState is updated to become μa(]t,t+dt[)

        Specified by:
        reviseGlobalState in interface IAgtGlobalStateRevisionModel
        timeLowerBound - Is the lower bound of the transitory period for which the global state revision is made by this agent (i.e. "t" in the notations).
        timeUpperBound - Is the upper bound of the transitory period for which the global state revision is made by this agent (i.e. "t+dt" in the notations).
        perceivedData - The map containing the data that were lastly perceived from the various levels of the simulation.
        globalState - The previous value of the global state of the agent being updated by this method call.