Interface IEnvironment4Engine

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractEnvironment, ExtendedEnvironment, PassiveEnvironment

    public interface IEnvironment4Engine
    extends IEnvironment
    Models the environment of the simulation, which specifications include engine optimization related methods.


    This is the pragmatic interface of an environment instance, including implementation constraints. In practice, the methods defined in this interface are used by the simulation engine. Therefore, simulation designers will only manipulate methods from the IEnvironment parent interface.

    Yoann Kubera
    • Method Detail

      • getPublicLocalStates

        Map<LevelIdentifier,​ILocalStateOfEnvironment> getPublicLocalStates()
        Gets the public local states of the environment.

        This method returns all the values φω+(t, l) or φω+(]t,t′[, l) ∈Φω+, where the value of ]t,t′[ is defined by the context in which this method is called.

        Usage and safety

        This method has to be used only in the simulation engine.

        The public local states of the environment.