Interface IModifiablePublicLocalDynamicState

    • Method Detail

      • setPublicLocalStateOfEnvironment

        void setPublicLocalStateOfEnvironment​(ILocalStateOfEnvironment publicLocalState)
        Sets the value of the public local state of the environment in this dynamic state.
        publicLocalState - The public local state of the environment.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the argument is null.
      • addPublicLocalStateOfAgent

        void addPublicLocalStateOfAgent​(ILocalStateOfAgent publicLocalState)
        Adds the public local state of an agent to this public local dynamic state.

        This method does nothing if the public local state is already in this dynamic state.

        publicLocalState - The added public local state of the agent.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the argument is null.
      • removePublicLocalStateOfAgent

        void removePublicLocalStateOfAgent​(ILocalStateOfAgent publicLocalState)
        Removes the public local state of an agent from this public local dynamic state.
        publicLocalState - The removed public local state of the agent.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the argument is null.
      • addInfluence

        void addInfluence​(IInfluence influence)
        Adds an influence to this public local dynamic state.
        influence - The influence to add to this public local dynamic state.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the argument is null.
      • setStateDynamicsAsCopyOf

        void setStateDynamicsAsCopyOf​(Collection<IInfluence> toCopy)
        Sets the state dynamics of this public local dynamic state as a copy of the specified value.
        toCopy - The set of influences that have to be contained in the state dynamics of this local dynamic state. If null, this method sets the state dynamics of this dynamic state to an empty set.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the argument is null.
      • clearSystemInfluences

        void clearSystemInfluences()
        Remove all the system influences of this dynamic state.
      • clearRegularInfluences

        void clearRegularInfluences()
        Remove all the regular influences of this dynamic state.